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Logbook for Boats: How to comply with legal requirements?

The logbook is a mandatory document for any vessel sailing more than 6 miles from a shelter. This requirement affects some recreational boaters but is especially important for companies in the river and maritime sectors, which are obliged to keep an up-to-date logbook. We offer a summary of all the rules related to the logbook and provide our tips to make this often tedious task easier.

The logbook, what is it ?

The logbook, also known as a ship's log, is a document used to record each voyage undertaken on a boat. It includes a set of essential information to describe the journeys, such as the departure and arrival locations, the course taken, the number of people on board, and the navigation conditions. This document is mandatory for boats sailing more than 6 nautic milles from shelter (semi-offshore and offshore navigation). Companies that transport passengers at sea or on inland waters are also required to maintain logbooks for their vessels. The Division 240 has mandated this requirement to keep a logbook since 2008

The legal requirements

No specific form (paper or electronic) is required. The rule stipulates that the logbook must "be accessible at all times." The information recorded must include all "relevant elements for monitoring navigation and the safety of the vessel." Each vessel required to maintain a logbook must be able to provide it during an inspection, but especially in the event of an incident. Indeed, in case of a dispute, for example, the first document requested will be the logbook. This document serves as evidence in the eyes of the law, and its absence in the event of an accident places responsibility on the captain.

Of course, the information recorded must be truthful; otherwise, the navigator risks prosecution. For instance, in the recent case of the Breiz sinking in 2021, the SNSM (National Society of Sea Rescue) rescue leader faced up to 10 years in prison and a fine of over €150,000 for recording "times that did not match the facts" after the prosecutor's investigation.

Indeed, there are numerous risks associated with the absence or improper completion of a logbook. Captains face legal penalties ranging from €1,500 to €150,000. Moreover, in the event of a dispute, your insurance may fail if you cannot present your logbook. We recommend reviewing your insurance policy details or contacting BoatOn Assur if you have questions about it. Despite these risks and penalties, the logbook is often neglected. So how can it be completed correctly?

Our tips to complete correctly your logbook

As mentioned earlier, there is no specific format required for keeping a logbook as long as the essential information is correctly recorded. Here are the necessary details to include:

  • Spatio-temporal information : The time and place of departure, the locations and times of any stops, and finally, the time and place of arrival.

  • People on board : List the crew members and their roles (captain, sailor, officer, etc.). In the case of passenger transport, you must indicate the number of people embarked and disembarked.

  • Weather conditions : Record the weather conditions at departure and during the journey. The information should accurately reflect the observed navigation conditions.

  • Checks performed : Note any inspections carried out on the vessel, such as checking reserve levels, engine hours, maintenance performed, etc. It's also important to report any technical issues encountered.

  • Navigation events : If there is an incident, a particular event, refueling, anchoring, or anything else, it should be specified.

Taking the right steps to write the logbook correctly is important, so we recommend starting the entry before departure and adding the departure time as you leave. If you are writing in paper format, try to make your handwriting as clear as possible so that everyone can read it. This is one of the many drawbacks of paper; there are often many different handwriting styles from various captains on the same boat, which can sometimes be difficult to read. Also, if you choose the paper format, it should be kept in a dry place in the boat's cabin, usually found on the chart table.

Take your time ! No one will fault you for maintaining the logbook, which serves as evidence in case of an incident. It’s worth spending a few precious minutes to write the logbook to avoid exposing yourself to significant risks.

Our final advice : go digital ! The logbook is often neglected primarily because it is inconvenient and time-consuming when in paper format. Its digital alternative is a simple solution to implement and is inexpensive compared to the time saved. BoatOn is a pioneer in digital logbooks, offering the first automatic logbook that works with the boat's AIS and is coupled with our smart maintenance log.

The new logbook integrated to the BoatOn Book

A new feature in 2024, the logbook has been added to the BoatOn Book. As the first logbook that works with the boat's AIS, it does not require purchasing a GPS or a device to function. The vessel's AIS data is automatically retrieved (as can already be seen on VesselFinder or MarineTraffic) to track your navigation route, and record your boat's distance and speed. Intuitive and easy to use from your phone, it helps you avoid issues with erasures and inaccurate information !

The weather is automatically recorded, and you can check the conditions for your upcoming voyages in advance from your BoatOn Book. Plan your trips ahead of time and simply press "Start navigation" when you set sail. Our logbook is recognized by maritime authorities and meets all legal requirements. In addition to being the first collaborative logbook, you can easily share your voyages (via email, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.) and download them in Excel or PDF format for printing later. While the traditional pencil-and-paper method doesn’t require a battery to function, if your handwritten document is lost or damaged, there’s no way to recover your navigation history.

Didn't have time to add your voyages ? You can do it later, whether or not you have AIS. Keeping your logbook up-to-date has never been easier ! Plus, you won’t be burdened with storing notebooks, which, as a reminder, must be kept for three years. You can quickly access all your voyages from your smartphone. Don’t wait any longer to discover this latest innovation !

You can already enjoy a free month trial to try our logbook,

start your journey on our website !


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